Chris Richardson
Page Last adapted

My Spiders
My Motorcycles, the VW Camper and some cars
My Collection of Model Ambulances

I left school with 6 'O' levels and 5 CSE's on 05/07/1972 and became an Ambulance Cadet, then an Ambulanceman and then a Paramedic and Station Officer. I retired from the service because of ill health on 25/11/2001

I have an obsession with new stuff. That's how my wife Gill puts it anyhow.

I became 'interested' in computers when the ZX81 came out. I spent many a happy hour programming it until the 'Good Old BBC' came onto the scene.

I joined 8-Bit Software, the BBC computer club and flooded the then editor with my submissions. I ended up rescuing 8BS from obscurity. Have a look at the history of 8BS for the full story

In 1996 I got hold of a PC. A few months later I connected to the internet. I have met a great many people and friends via the internet. Many are BBC fanatics like myself.

My Family
My wife's name is Gill. Kids in sequence: We have a daughter Carol ( Carol's Web Page ), son John (John's Web Page) and a son Peter(Peter's Web Page). 10 guinea Pigs and several spiders

For some time elmo here was the only thing you would find at Then it disappeared. That's a shame


Here are a few of the things that John has built:

John's Manta Ray Falcon Pro 1
Manta Ray Radio Controlled Car
Falcon Pro 1
The parachute didn't open
Spitfire Saturn 5 Falcon Pro Mk 1
Saturn 5
Falcon Pro Mark 1

My Favourite Things:

My Motorcycles, the VW Camper and some cars

Hornby Stephenson's Rocket
Stephenson's Rocket
Click on the on this thumbnail for a better image

I renovated this recently. It is a reasonable size. The track is 3.5". I bought it maybe 25 years ago and used it quite a lot until the gas bottle started leaking. It runs on Butane gas, the bottle is hidden in the water barrel. I sent the bottle off to Jim Gregg (in Australia, OK OK, I know) for repair and after 4 years or so, he had still not returned it to me so I had to buy a replacement. Thanks for nothing Jim

My Other Favourite Toy, a Sigma 360
You can actually fly into the air with this one if the wind is up

My Favourite Form of Transport

Give me one of these any day:
My old one
My Bike
My present one:

This is my favourite food
A Scotch Bonnet
The hottest chilli pepper in existence, just before I ate it!
A Very Hot Chilli


This is how the 1999 total eclipse looked from our house using John's telescope. About 90%
Of course, you should turn your monitor the other road up to view this as if you were looking straight at it through smoked glass endangering your vision

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