Model Rockets
This is my favourite rocket as it is the most easy to launch.
It took me about one hour to make, it consists of a one foot piece of piping,
a bit of balsa for the nose cone and 3 mm thick card for the fins. Not the most hi-tec
rocket in the world but, hey it does what its meant to.
As you can see, the parachute did not open. Well, that's because
it doesn't have a parachute! After two launches, melting the parachute each time,
I decided that it would be a head first lander. Nasty eh?
This is, or was my friend Lee's rocket, which met its sticky end
when the parachute melted inside the rocket.
As you could probably guess he has never lived down this little accident.
This is lee with his rocket just before its fateful voyage into the floor. He he.
This is my pride and joy it took me one month to complete & is
made of five cider bottles.