8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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About 8BS
[What is 8BS?][Charges][What is PD Software?][Posting Stuff]

What is 8-Bit Software?

8BS is a Public Domain Library. 8BS aims to support all the computer needs of BBC and Master users.

There is a large collection of items available. Examine the latest 8BS advert to see what is presently available. 8BS has a very large library of Public Domain Software available for download from this website or on real floppy disc that you can order directly from me. Examine the catalogue for more details.

The 8BS website is now very large. You will find that there is all sorts of information available. The vast majority of items available can be found from the main menu on the front page. Examine the NEW pages to see what I have done to the website recently. Use SEARCH if you cannot find anything.

Use www.8bs.com as your bookmark.

If you have anything at all to do with the 8 bit Acorn machines that you want to immortalise, 8BS is the place to do it. Send it to me and I will have it formatted and popped on the website before you can say 'Jack Robinson'

This is all thanks to Joel who has generously provided 8BS with the server 'owl'. Please click on the link on the front page for Joel's site

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8-Bit Software Charges Revised 17/03/2000

All software downloads from the 8BS website are free. There are many hundreds of disc images waiting for you.

Charges for software from the public domain library if 8BS supplies the disc are £1.00p per disc whether 3.5" or 5.25".

Contact me before ordering

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What is PD Software?

Public Domain (PD) Software is software that has been released by its author for circulation, free of charge, to anyone that may want it.

An organisation such as 8-Bit Software will gather collections of this software together into a library and present it in a catalogue so that people have a wide choice of free software.

Charges are made to cover the cost of disc, postage and wear and tear on equipment used. The charges are minimal and do not reflect the quality of the software or time put in by both the programmer and library organiser.

There are other phrases used to describe similar things to Public Domain Software. Definitions can sometimes be misunderstood and vague.

Shareware. The author includes their address in the documentation and asks for a registration fee. In return you usually will be promised full documentation, full working copies and regular updates.

Donationware. You are expected to make a donation to the author. In return you receive nothing.

Careware. You are expected to make a donation to a charity named by the author. In return you receive a clear conscience!

Freeware. The same as PD but the author retains copyright.

Public Domain programs can be altered and re-distributed by anyone. It is generally accepted that if you use all or part of someone else's program as part of your own, that you give credit to the original author within the program in a REM line and also within the documentation. You CANNOT turn a program from another category into a Public Domain program.

Please do not type in a listing from The Micro User and put your name to it. If you are unsure about re-submitting to 8BS someone else's program that you have altered, it may be courteous to contact the original author to discuss what you are going to do first.

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Posting Items to 8BS.

Always mark packs of discs MAGNETIC MEDIA. You can place a disc into an envelope with no stiffener, but it could become damaged. I usually place the disc in an envelope with a square of corrugated card.

Put fragile items into a sturdy box that is around twice the size of the item and pack it with a light material. Do not break up bits of polystyrene to pack out fragile items, the bits get into everything. Polystyrene chips are best. Mark the box FRAGILE. HANDLE WITH CARE! in several places.

Insurance is not very expensive, ask at your Post Office. I encourage re-use of items used for postage, but please do not use materials that have worn thin. Frayed edges can be taped. Loose flaps must be taped. AVOID the use of staples as they can be dangerous (I have been jabbed a few times). If you must use staples, tape over the rough edges. Do not put too much tape on the envelope, this makes it easier for me to open.

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