8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

Chamber of
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Don't forget to have a look at the Parcel Force page

16/12/2002 Well, what more can you say, but

30/11/2002 Angry Gilchrist.

Look out lads, he will sink you!

I have a great respect for Firemen. As a now retired Paramedic, I have had many experiences of working with Firemen. I think they deserve every penny they get for the work they do. They have to obey orders blindly. When orded to dash in to a burning building, they do it unquestioningly.

When faced with the truly awesome sight and sound of a burning building at first hand it is not difficult to admire the bravery (or stupidity) of someone who will sprint into its bowels

A Fireman by nature is easily led, he is trained to follow orders without question as part of a team. This is why I think the forces are so well suited to filling in the gaps while they strike. This is also why (I think) that they are going to be led down the garden path towards disaster by handy Andy who I warrant will have plenty of cash for the Christmas festivities unlike the people he is spurring on to an ignominious end

My Daughter sent me this one 30/11/2002:

Hello, thought you might all find this quite amusing!!! Love carolxx

Actual dialogue of a former Word Perfect Customer Support employee:
Ridge hall computer assistance; may I help you?
Yes, well, I'm having trouble with Word Perfect.
What sort of trouble?
Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away.
Went away?
They disappeared.
Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?
It's blank; it wont accept anything when I type
Are you still in Word Perfect, or did you get out?
How do I tell?
Can you see the C: prompt on the screen?
What's a see-prompt?
Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen?
There isnt any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type.
Does your monitor have a power indicator
What's a monitor? Its the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV. Does it have a little light that tells you that its on?
I don't know.
Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power cord goes into it. Can you see that?
Yes, I think so.
Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if its plugged into the wall.
Yes, it is.
When you where behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one?
Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable.
Okay here it is.
Follow it for me, and tell me if its plugged securely into the back of your computer.
I cant reach.
Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is?
Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over?
Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle, it's because it's dark.
Yes, the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in from the window.
Well, turn on the office light then.
I can't.
No? Why not?
Because there's a power failure.
A power... a power failure? Aha, okay, we've got it licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packaging stuff your computer came in?
Well, yes, I keep them in the closet.
Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you got it. Then take it back to the store where you bought it from.
Really? Is it that bad?
Yes Im afraid it is
Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them?
Tell them that your too ****ing stupid to own a computer.

How Not to Advertise a BBC For Sale

Well, that's my opinion any way. See what you think. This is the text and photo for an EBay item:

Never seen one on ebay, it did work not long ago, but i got rid of my biscuit tin monitors so i cant test it as of today, not been dropped etc so i cant see whats changed, comes with single 40 sector drive, room for 3.5, i have some lying around and cables so i will chuck them in and its up to you if you wanna set that bit up. I cant remember if theres any extras inside, but this is a damn rare peice of hardware, wish i didnt have to sell. It will come WELL PAKCED, i dont charge for handling, that p*sses me off, i only charge the postage cost, maybe about 8-10 squids..... Payment in 7-10 days please. NO people with no feedback, if your genuine please email me first, sorry about that. Ask me any questions, but like i said i cant test it now and what you see is what you get. Can collect if in Sheffield.


How About This Then?

Time wasters. I am at a loss to understand why people do it.
This is one of the reasons I am not collecting bits to pass on any more.
This fellow sent me the following e-mail enquiry on 20/01/2002:


I replied with all the details. He replied the same day with:

Quote: "OK CHRIS THANX I'LL SEND PAYMENT WEDNESDAY BY CHEQUE DETAILS WILL BE ON BACK 4 £40 MY ADDRESS:- MATT *******, **************, *****,********. 01708-******* ANY PROBS!!"

A week later, nothing had arrived so I sent an e-mail prompting. This was the reply on 29/01/2002:


On 17/02/2002, after I had still received nothing in the post I received this reply to an e- mail I sent:

Quote: "Strange, Cheque has not cleared have canceled it and sent a new 1 2 u 2day. This has gone a little wrong sorry about this Matt"

Finally on 19/03/2002 I received this e-mail after a further prompt from myself:

Quote: "Gotcha I don't want old stuff mate cheers c u around!!!"

What a twit! This person gets a vitual poke in the eye from me :-)
Anyhow Matt, I don't have any BBC B's left for sale now Yah Boo Sucks. You have a face like a squish tomato (Nigel Molesworth). Your father was a hamster and your mother smells of elderberry. I wave my private parts at your Aunties (badly remembered Python)

Vote here to console me! Matt is a twit or view the count without voting by looking at the number at the very bottom of the menu in the left hand pane of the 8BS website

How not to post a ROM

This Rom was posted from Cyprus in a jiffy bag. Not surprisingly it arrived flat.
Flat Rom

How not to wire your BBC up

How about this then? A neato extension to a Master 128 lead consisting of parts of old cars and plenty of insulation tape. Safe as houses.

How not to print stuff out

Click on the thumbnail for the full horror of it
Hewlett Packard 690c Deskjet. The Bain of my life. I HATED this bit of equipment. It has cost me HUNDREDS of pounds and wasted HOURS of my time. AAAARRRGGHHHH 

This is an example of how not to write an E-Mail to me:

I answered this fellow with a very short message, pointing him towards the ideal help, who happened to be a person who I like a lot but I know for a fact takes about 17 years to answer mails. Text copied faithfully from the original mail:

Hi, i came accross yor website and wonder if i could as you a few questions.

I have got some hardware recently, to be honest i know nothing about them, i
used Spectrums in the 80's, and infact still do today, so avoided the beeb
stuff on purpose!

Anyway recently i have got the following hardware, and i was wondering if
you knew anyone near to me, in Sheffield who knows who to test the stuff

So far i have 4 beebs, 2 work for sure, some have DFS roms and others, 2
make funny sounds, but hey thats all a beeb could do anyway! a Master, been
told it works but not even powered it up yet, 4 5.25 drives, 3 are twins, 4x
black 3.5's, again dont know if these work but if they do i wil use them for
my speccys, about a 1000 5.25 disks, books tapes and loads of other junk,
and a pile of monitors, oh and some A3000 ariches too.
Theres roms etc and some manuals.

If i know what works and what doesnt, i could put a half decent, well halfs
a too strong word a beeb, a set up that works and i can play about with it.

If you could help i would be grateful.



These lads thought it OK to follow my son home and then grab some of his treasured possessions off him. Fortunately, I managed to track them down and recover the items they had snatched off him.

Click on each of the two thumbnails to enlarge:

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