8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

File And Disc Image Transfer Help

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On This Page You Will Find
Reading Floppies FDC the BBC disc read/writing program 
 Information and Download
Direct Link Download of Xfer, direct link software 
Direct Link Cable Offer
BBC to MAC (offsite link)
Disc Image Types A brief explanation of some disc image types
Disc Image Manipulation 
BBCIM download and information 
Download of BBC EXPLORER 2
.inf Files Explanation of .inf files and their use
Reading DOS discs on a BBC DOSFS

If you are wanting to transfer your BBC text or discs to the PC and after looking through this lot you are confused or cannot do it because of hardware problems, I am prepared to help out for a modest fee. Just Email me with your transfer enquiry

These are some of the things it is possible to do:

There are thousands of images and files already created for you available from this 8BS website and The BBC Lives!

FDC (Floppy Disc Controller Demo) Brief Instructions

Download FDC here

FDC is a disc reader/writer/formatter that will run in a window. It will not work on all PCs, especially newer ones. If you try everything on this page and it will not work, then I cannot help you! You need a disc drive of the same size on your BBC and PC, either 3.5" or 5.25".

There are many uses for FDC. I use the program to:

  • Read in BBC formatted discs as an image using a PC
  • Write disc images back to BBC formatted disc on the PC
  • Format BBC discs
  • The disc is read in as an image that can then be used in a BBC emulator on the PC. The download of FDC here contains full instructions for its use. I have removed the pieces from those instructions that I find useful and placed them below:

    FDC Commands:

    fd0, fd1, fd2, fd3
    Select which floppy drive to use.  Default is fd1.  Most systems support only two drives so fd2 and fd3 may not do anything useful. (CJR: fd0 is drive A. fd1 is drive B)

    Default. Set up all disk parameters for BBC DS SD 40-track 10-sector floppies on 360K PC drive. For 80 track floppies in a 1.2M drive also enter CYL 80 (and DDINHD might be needed).

    Same as bbc but for 80 track disks  (you may need to enter DDINHD after this).
    Parameters set are: 'bbc', then cyl80.

    Sets 3.5" ADFS L 640 K format with a head1alias =1. If it doesn't work, try head1alias=0.
    Parameters set: 'bbc', cyl 80, bytes 256, sectors 16, head1 1 (CJR: this format works fine on my 5.25" drive too)

    (CJR) For ADFS M set the above parameters but use 'read0' as the discs are single sided

    (CJR) For ADFS S set the above parameters but also type 'cyl 40' and remember to use only 'read0' as the discs are single sided

    Set data rate for double density (e.g. 360KB) disk in a double density (i.e. 360KB) drive.  Note that if you are using a generic 360KB 40-track drive, you will probably want to set SINGLESTEP too.

    Set data rate for double density (e.g. 360KB) disk in a high density (i.e. 1.2MB) drive.  Note that if the disk comes from a machine that uses normal (e.g. 360KB) 40-track drives, you will probably want to set DOUBLESTEP too.

    Format and verify the disk using the currently set parameters.

    Display all disk settings.

    W[RITE] filename, WRITE0 filename, WRITE1 filename
    Write entire contents of disk from an (for double sided: interleaved) image file.  All sectors appear in the same order on the disk as in the file. WRITE0 and WRITE1 write the imagefile to side 0,1

    Those are the abbreviated instructions for fdc. If you want the full instructions, please download fdc and extract them.

    In Short
    For an 80 track double sided DFS disc
    Insert your BBC disc into the PC drive
    Run FDC
    Type fd0 (if you put the disc in drive A)
    Type BBC80
    Type read <filename>

    For ADFS L, fd0, bbc640
    For ADFS M, fd0, bbc640 and use 'read0 filename' only
    For ADFS S, fd0, bbc640 cyl 40, and use 'read0 filename' only

    Simple as that

    To write the image back, type the above commands, but instead of 'read' type 'write'
    To read/write single sides of discs, type read0 or read1 (write0 and write1)

    Some settings that you may find useful not documented:
    CP\M format (80 track single sided) Bytes 256, Sectors 10, Cyl 80, read0 <filename> This is the default of FDC apart from CYL 80
    ADFS 800K discs:  Sectors 5, bytes 1024, m1, dd, Cyl 80, head1 1 OR head1 0 ALSO. Maybe minsector 0 needs setting too as I discovered with the Archimedes discs

    FDC and Windows XP
    Thanks to Jason Watton for prompting me on this one. My laptop runs Windows XP and for almost a year I was tearing my hair out trying to read BBC discs using it. The solution was to create a boot up floppy, place ramdrive.sys on to it from my Windows 98 CD. Add the line device=ramdrive.sys 32767 /E to the config.sys file. place fdc and omnidisk on to the floppy and reboot into DOS with floppy as A and a ram disk as C. Image BBC discs on to C and then copy them back to HD floppy. Reboot into Windows and copy the images from A.

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     Xfer requires that you have a serial cable. Xfer is a neat bit of software although a lot slower than the transfer by disc method. If your PC floppy disc controller will not access a BBC disc or if you do not have the same sized drive on your BBC and PC, then the serial link is a good option.  Download Xfer v3. Download Xfer v4. These downloads contain both the information you need to construct a link cable and the software to link your two machines. 


    PCXfer is supplied with the registered version of Stuart McConnachie's BBC emulator. A great bit of software that reads disc images into the PC via a serial link. Instructions for building the link come with the software. 

    Direct Link Cable Suitable for Xfer and PCBBCs PCXfer

    This is the link required for Xfer and PCXfer (the transfer program that comes with the registered version of Stuart McConnachie's PCBBC). Instructions on how to build this link are included with both pieces of software. Please be aware that it is possible to damage your PC or BBC with an incorrectly configured cable. Make sure you are happy with your lead before using it.

    If you are no good with a soldering iron, I am now offering to make up the required serial cable for folks. 9 pin at the PC end. There is a chance the software may not work on your PC. I think this is caused by an incompatible command used in the software presently available. Please let me know if you have problems. Ordering details in the 8BS Advert. I can now supply you with the parts to make these leads up too.

    This is taken from the very tatty piece of paper with the drawing that I use when making up the link. Please remember that the numbers on this dawing DO NOT represent any numbers that may appear on the plugs, they are just reference points

    Disc Image Types

    Image types (.dsd .ssd .0 .1 .img .adl .adf)
    Depending on the settings that you use with fdc, you should give your disc images file extensions that allow software to determine how to use the image.

    There are a number of formats used by people.

    For double sided discs, I use interleaved (.dsd and .adl) as it is a more rapid process, the image is read in with one sweep of the heads and the resulting single file is then the finished article. The tracks are stored in the image alternately, track 0 from side 0, then track 0 from side 1, then track 1 from side 0 and so on. This format is known as 'interleaved'. Some folks (especially programmers I think) don't like this as it complicates the software that handles the image. However, the software to handle this format exists, works fine and is available here in FDC and BBCIM.

    .dsd and .adl
    The fdc commands 'read' and 'write' without the trailing 0 or 1 produce an interleaved disc image. If you are reading a DFS disc, use the extension .dsd, if you are reading an ADFS disc, use the extension .adl

    .ssd .0 .1 .adf
    The fdc commands 'read' and 'write' with the trailing 0 or 1 produce a single sided image. If you are reading a DFS disc, use the extension .ssd or .0 or .1. Logically, if you are reading in a double sided disc, you are better off using the .0 and .1 extensions to denote which file is which side of the disc. If you are reading in an ADFS disc, you should use the file extension .adf

    If you use the above file extensions, then most BBC Emulators on the PC will be able to directly read the image.
    This is another form of disc image used. It is the same as the above .ssd format. I do not use this extension.

    What format are the 8BS pool images in?
    The 8BS CDs available contain disc images available in all formats. For example, a .dsd image will have its counterparts of .0 and .1. An .adl image will have its counterpart of .adf. So no-one can complain.... Can they?

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    Editing Disc Images (BBCIM)

    Once you have your BBC disc image, you can either directly use it in an emulator or write it back to floppy. You may want to add files to it or remove files from it. You may want to produce new empty disc images. The program BBCIM will do this for you. Download it here. Includes instructions

    A couple of quick hints for BBCIM

    To turn an ADFS interleaved image into a non-interleaved image (makes a copy of the image first, then alters the original ):
    bbcim ds2ss <filename>

    To turn an interleaved DFS disc image into two single sided  images:
    bbcim splitds dd <filename>

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    BBC Explorer 2

    BBC Disk explorer is a program by Laurie Whiffen to manipulate BBC files and disk images in a similar way to Windows Explorer. You can create new disc images. You can drag and drop files into and out of disc images. You can drag files directly off BBC floppies. The software produces the .inf files required to keep track of the file load and save addresses. Download version 2 Download version 2.01

    This program is probably the easiest way to handle the software you can pick up from all over the internet that has accompanying .inf files.

    Well worth a look at.

    .inf Files

    There are many BBC files on the internet (The BBC Lives for instance) that come in zipped bundles. When you unzip the file, you are left with a number of programs without extensions and an equal number of files with the same name but a .inf extension.

    Basically, what you see here is a BBC disc that has been split up into separate files. The actual BBC file is the program without an extension. The file with the same name and a .inf extension contains the BBC filename, load, save and run addresses and also directory and read write access information. This information cannot be stored by the PC in any other way.

    Before you can use these files on an emulator, you will need to turn them into a disc image. That is where Lawrie Whiffen's BBC Explorer 2 comes in. You can simply drag the files into a disc image. Once the files have been put into a disc image, you can then use FDC to write the image to a BBC floppy.

    You can also write these files to a BBC disc on a BBC using a direct link and the software XFER or PCXFER. 


    It is possible to read a 720K DOS disc on a BBC or Master using a 1770 (or 177x) disc interface. It is not possible to read DOS discs using an 8271 controller.

    DOSFS available on 8BS-51 loads into sideways RAM on the BBC or Master and acts as another filing system. Simply refer to it with *DOS. This is ideal for transferring individual files between PC and BBC. Usually only text files of course. It does have a couple of problems with display of files on the disc (sometimes deleted files show up!Win95FS long filenames extended entries show up in their raw state. DOSFS doesn't take any notice of the "Label" attribute, which is part of the method used to hide the extended entries), but in general I find it quite useful.


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