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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Strategy; Football Management Simulation; Text Only

Author             : Kevin Toms

Standalone Release(s)   : 1985: FOOTBALL MANAGER, Addictive Games, £9.95

                    1988: FOOTBALL MANAGER, Addictive Games, £4.99

Compilation Release(s)   : None

Stated compatibility    : Electron

Actual compatibility    : Electron

Supplier            : ADDICTIVE, 7A Richmond Hill, BOURNEMOUTH BH2 6HE

Disc compatibility     : Unknown




"FOOTBALL MANAGER designed by Kevin Toms. PCW says 'this game is recommended to anyone who has any interest in football'; CRASH an 'amazing engrossing game'. Featuring a transfer market, full league tables, injury problems, a save game feature, promotion and relegation, F.A. Cup Matches, Management rating, four divisions, as many seasons as you like, pick your own team for each match and seven skill levels."


SECTION 1. Loading The Game



When the program "MANAGER" has loaded, you will be prompted with the message "Press RETURN to LOAD program data". If this is the first time you are using the program or you are not using a Customised DATA FILE (See section 4), just press RETURN. Otherwise, place your Customised DATA FILE tape in the cassette recorder and then press <RETURN>.


SECTION 2.1. Starting The Game

A. When FOOTBALL MANAGER has loaded. you will be prompted with the question "Do you want a new game?". Press Y unless you want to continue a previously SAVED game (see IMPORTANT NOTES - RESTORING A SAVED GAME.) If you accidentally press N, pressing RETURN will prompt you with the question again.


B. Team Choice - No matter which team you choose to manage, you will start in Division 4. If your favourite isn't in the 48 included, you can change the team and player names by using the Customiser Utlity (see Section 4) supplied with this tape.


C. Skill Level - Start at the Beginner's level and progress as you become more skilful.


SECTION 2.2. The Main Game

This consists of five phases.


Phase 1 - Weekly Options

A. Sell or List players - a list of players in your squad is displayed. See IMPORTANT NOTES - PLAYER ATTRIBUTES. If you now select a player to be sold, a team will make you an offer for him. Note that if you refuse the offer, there is a risk that interested clubs will no longer want to buy him. You will see why!


B. Obtain a Loan - You may borrow money from the bank (which incurs an interest rate of 1% per week) up to your Credit Limit as follows:


                 YOUR DIVISION                CREDIT LIMIT

                       1                        £1,000,000

                       2                          £750,000

                       3                          £500,000

                       4                          £250,000


  You can repay some or all of your loan at the end of every week.


C. Save Game - You can use this option to save a game to be continued at a later time. Prepare your tape recorder to record on a blank tape and enter the file name (up to 10 letters) you wish to save it as. After the game data has been saved, the program will return to the menu. If you accidentally enter this option, pressing RETURN will cause an escape to the menu.


D. View Fixture List - This gives you details of your fixtures for the season. You play each team in your Division on a home and away basis. This week's fixture will be indicated by "<".


E. Display Division - This displays the current League Table for your Division. Using this in conjunction with the fixture list will enable you to see when you play vital matches which affect your Promotion (or Religation) chances.


F. Switch Sound - This facility enables you to switch on or off the sound effects used in the game.


Phase 2 - Playing a Match

A. Team Attributes

  Energy, Morale, Defence, Midfield and Attack have a minimum value of 1 and a maximum of 20. They are calculated as follows:-

  Energy    - is the average energy rating of all the players picked to play in your team.

  Morale    - is 10 at the start of the season; it increases when you win and decreases when you lose.

  Defence   - is the total skill rating of all the Defenders picked to play in your team.

  Midfield  - is the total skill rating of all the Defenders picked to play in your team.

  Attack    - is the total skill rating of all the Attackers picked to play in your team.


B. You may select your team - see IMPORTANT NOTES - PLAYER ATTRIBUTES.


C. The match is played with a running commentary of the score. The team with the best attributes will often win but there is always the chance of shock results or Giant-Killings, just like real football.


Phase 3 - Results of a Match

Note: your home gate money increases when you win and decreases when you lose. Your away gate depends on the quality of your opponents.


Phase 4 - Weekly Bills

This gives you details of your income and Expenditure. Followed by the Weekly Balance giving your profit or loss for the week.


Phase 5 - Transfer Market

A. You are given the option of bidding for a player. The more you bid in relation to his value, the greater your chance of purchasing him. If your bid fails, the value of the player will increase due to your show of interest.


B. If the NO PLAYERS FOR SALE message appears, you will have to sell one of your players to regain access to the tranfer market as you are only allowed a maximum of 16 players in your squad.


The five phases are repeated until 22 League Matches and all your F.A. Cup Matches have been played; then the game moves to Part 3.


SECTION 2.3. End of Season

A. The final league table is displayed.


B. Your League, Cup and Financial Success points are displayed. You are also allocated a Financial Bonus which is related to your success in the League.


C. The top two teams are promoted (except in Division 1), and the bottom two are relegated (except in Division 4) from your division.


D. A new managerial rating is calculated for you depending on your success so far.


E. New Skill and Energy ratings are generated for all your players, just as real footballers would improve or deteriorate every season.


F. The new season starts at Part 2.



A. Restoring a Saved Game - Follow the instructions listed under LOADING THE GAME. When prompted with the question: "Do you want a new game?", press N and then type in your Saved Game's file name, making sure the corresponding tape is ready to play in your Cassette Recorder. Press RETURN to read the tape. The game will restart at SECTION 2 Part 2.


B. Player Attributes

When players are listed, several details are shown:


1. Defender, Midfield player or Attacker - is indicated by the letters D, M or A respectively in the far left-hand column.


2. Player's name.


3. Player's number.


4. Skill rating - highest is 5, lowest is 1.


5. Energy - in the range 1 to 20. The energy rating of each player reduces by one for each match he plays in; it will increase by 10 if he does not play in a match. Part of the skill of the game is in resting the right players to increase their energy without doing too much harm to the Skill rating of the complete team.


6. Value in £ - relates directly to the skill rating of the player and the division your team is in.


7. Status - Picked to play, injured or available for selection - indicated by a "P", "I" or a blank space respectively in the far right-hand column. N.B. Injured players cannot be selected to play.


SECTION 4. Customiser Utility

This Utility allows you to customise the DATA file to include your own favourite teams and players.


To load this program, type *RUN "CUSTOM" <RETURN>.


The Utility's use is largely self explanatory. Remember to SAVE the new


DATA file on to a blank tape once you have completed your changes.



Instructions' Source   : FOOTBALL MANAGER (Addictive Games) Back and Inner Inlay


Review (Electron User)

FOOTBALL MANAGER, by Addictive, has to be one of the best strategy games available for home computers. As the manager of a football club you have to get from league division four to league division one in as few seasons as possible.

The first screen asks your name and allows you to select your team from the whole league. There seems to be little advantage in picking the well known clubs as they are all dependent upon the skill of their manager - you.

The team you inherit is then displayed, together with six pieces of information on each player - playing position, number, skill rating, energy rating, saleable value and status (either picked or injured). From this screen there are a number of other options affecting the game. You can get a display of your performance, beg for a loan from the bank and even pay off loans. You can change your skill level, change the team and player names, save a game or restart a saved game.

Once you have done all the housekeeping from the first menu you have an announcement of your next fixture, which might be in either League or Cup competition.

Following this there is a readout of the comparison of the teams giving ratings for energy, morale, defence, midfield and attack. This is worth careful study as it is here that you can achieve the most valuable changes by modifying your team.

Unlike the BBC version, there is no graphical display of the actual matches, but it's none the worse for that. I doubt that this game will ever be bettered. It is all it claims to be and is very addictive to boot.


Sound ........................... 5
Graphics ........................ 4
Playability ..................... 7
Value for money ................. 7
Overall ......................... 6

Dave Carlos, ELECTRON USER 3. 7