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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Alias          : MYSTERIOUS ADVENTURES #6

Game Type          : Text Adventure

Author             : Brian Howarth

Standalone Release(s)   : 1984: CIRCUS, Adventuresoft, £2.99

Compilation Release(s)   : None

Stated compatibility    : Electron

Actual compatibility    : Electron, BBC B, B+ and Master 128

Supplier            : ADVENTURESOFT (UK), PO Box 786, Sutton Coldfield,

                    WEST MIDLANDS B75 75L

Disc compatibility     : ADFS 1D00, CDFS 1D00, DFS 1D00




What appears to be a circus in full swing from the distance suddenly becomes as silent as the grave as you open the gate into the field. Nevertheless you must find some petrol for your car, so here goes.



Instructions' Source       : CIRCUS (Adventure International) Back Inlay


Review                    : No Review Yet