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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Compilation Of Cheat Loaders

Author             : Unknown

Standalone Release(s)   : 1988: CHEAT IT AGAIN JOE 1, Impact, £2.95

Compilation Release(s)   : None

Compilation Comprises   : 1.  3D DOTTY

                    2.  ANARCHY ZONE

                    3.  BARBARIAN

                    4.  BREAKTHROUGH

                    5.  CREEPY CAVE

                    6.  FRANKENSTEIN 2000

                    7.  FUTURE SHOCK

                    8.  METEORS

                    9.  OMEGA ORB

                    10. OVERDRIVE

                    11. PSYCASTRIA

                    12. REPTON THRU TIME

                    13. ROUND ONES

                    14. SHARK

                    15. SKIRMISH

                    16. SPHERE OF DESTINY

                    17. SPITFIRE 40

                    18. THE BIG K.O.

                    19. THUNDERSTRUCK

                    20. ZIGGY

Stated compatibility    : Electron

Actual compatibility    : Electron

Supplier            : IMPACT, Neepsend House, 1 Percy Street, SHEFFIELD S3 8AU.

                    Tel: (0742) 769950

Disc compatibility     : CDFS E00, DFS E00




Joe is a keen games player but tends to get a bit stuck. Imagine his delight at finding this superb selection of easy cheats to get him going. These cheats work not only with the original version of the games but also with the following compilations: PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 1 & 2, SUPERIOR COLLECTIONS 1, 2 & 3 and ACORNSOFT HITS 1 & 2.


N.B. You load the 'cheat' from this cassette before you load the game.


The order of the cheats on each side is shown below. Insert the cassette, type *TAPE and press <RETURN>.


Now load the cheat. Eg to load the BREAKTHROUGH cheat, then CHAIN"Breakthrou" (as shown below), press <RETURN> and start tape.


Watch the screen for further instructions and you will be instructed when to load the game.


Side One


SHARK                   CHAIN"Shark"

BARBARIAN               CHAIN"Barbarian"

SKIRMISH                CHAIN"Skirmish"

BREAKTHROUGH                  CHAIN"Breakthrou"

ANARCHY ZONE                  CHAIN"AnarchyZon"

FRANKENSTEIN 2000       CHAIN"Frankenste"

PSYCASTRIA              CHAIN"Psycastria"

ROUND ONES              CHAIN"RoundOnes"

OVERDRIVE               CHAIN"Overdrive"


Side Two

SPITFIRE 40             CHAIN"Spitfire40"

ZIGGY                   CHAIN"Ziggy"

THE BIG KO              CHAIN"TheBigKO"

OMEGA ORB               CHAIN"OmegaOrb"

FUTURE SHOCK                  CHAIN"FutureShoc"


3D DOTTY                CHAIN"3DDotty"

METEORS                 CHAIN"Meteors"

THUNDERSTRUCK           CHAIN"Thunderstr"

CREEPY CAVE             CHAIN"CreepyCave"



Instructions' Source       :  CHEAT IT AGAIN JOE 3 (Impact) Inner Inlay


Review                    : No Review Yet