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Professional, Originally Released On Cassette Only


Game Type          : Arcade Bomber Clone

Author             :

Standalone Release(s)   : 1986: BOMBER BARON, Optyx, £2.95

Compilation Release(s)   : None

Stated compatibility    : BBC/Electron Dual Version

Actual compatibility    : As stated

Supplier            : OPTYX, New House, Stoney Street, Madley, HEREFORD HR2 9NJ

Disc compatibility     : CDFS E00, DFS E00




As the renowned pilot "Baron Von Rippoffen", it is your duty to destroy the enemy landscape. Loaded with bombs, your plane will fly over the cities. It's up to you to destroy them completely and land, thus paving the way for reinforcements. Sounds simple, eh? Just you try it.


Control Keys

Press SPACE BAR to drop bombs.


Instructions' Source   : BOMBER BARON (Optyx) Inner Inlay


Reviews                  : No Review Yet