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8-Bit Software PD Catalogue

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The A&B Section

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Thanks to Dave Edwards for typing in all of these discs from the A&B magazines. Here is an intro from Dave:

Welcome to the A&B COMPUTING companion disc archive section. Here you will find .ssd discs (80T) of each and every adventure, game, utility, program and demo which ever appeared in the magazine A&B COMPUTING. Along with these you will find ‘official’ A&B releases such as COLOUR IKON and MURDER IN THE ABBEY. Many of these programs will work on all machines including the BBC B, B+, Master and Acorn Electron, with PAGE at E00. You will not find any of these discs anywhere beside here in cyberspace and, although they have been comprehesively tested after being typed in, they are not official hence they MAY still contain the odd error. You will however find an alladin’s cave of previously unseen material and full versions of games which were ‘serialised’ over more than one issue. These discs are unique - A&B never released companion discs for its type-in programs. Although most games do contain instructions on screen, you will be aided in using these discs by having a copy of the original A&B magazine. Note too that there is a confusing numbering system and it appears that there is at least one disc between Volume 1 and 2 missing. This is not the case: Vol 1. 16 is followed by 2. 6. The official discs are outstanding from this archive. Amongst a number of others, these are GLOBAL VIEW, A&B GRAPHICS PACK 1 and A&B GRAPHICS PACK 2. If you have any software from A&B, please send it in to 8BS so it may be shared by us all! If you identify any errors with the A&B discs in this archive or have any enquiries regarding corresponding A&B articles, please contact m.edwards26@ntlworld.com All A&B discs herein typed and corrected by (the) Dave 2001. Happy gaming!

A&B-01 A&B Colour Ikon 1D 28 44 A&B's professional and colourful Art Package suitable for the BBC Model B only. Full documentation included as ASCII files. Originally published in 1986
A&B-02 A&B Murder at the Abbey 1D 12 156 MURDER AT THE ABBEY. A&B’s fantastic text only disc-based adventure demonstrating its own Adventurescape utility is a classic 1930’s whodunnit with more twists and turns than a Paris back street. Question suspects, collect the evidence and finger the guilty man (or woman!) in locations exuding atmosphere and reality. Compatible with BBC B, B+, Master 128 and Electron
A&B-03 A&B Dungeon Adventure 1D 21 167 DUNGEON ADVENTURE. A second phenomeonal A&B text adventure and one you're unlikely to find anywhere else. Created with the Adventurescape utility, make your escape from a rat-infested dungeon. Only brought to light by the efforts of Janny Looyenga! Compatible with BBC B, B+, Master 128 and Electron
A&B-04 A&B Xanadu and Amnesia 1D 15 97 Contains two text adventures, Xanadu and Amnesia. Thanks to Janny Looyenga for submitting this disc.
A&B-05 A&B Musician 1D 24 90 A&B MUSICIAN. A&B's multi-part music composer, player and studio, which allows you to easily create four channel machine code music which will play 'on interrupt' (eg. over an arcade game). Full documentation included on the disc. For BBC B and Master machines only
A&B1-1 A&B Computing May/Jun 83 1D 16 51 Bar Charts, BBC Function Keys, Cells And Serpents, Character Creation, Clubhouse Organiser, Colourmaster, Data Collection, Disc Director, Interface Control, Labelling Demo, Pattern Animations, Tandy Printer Utility
A&B1-2 A&B Computing Jul/Aug 83 1D 17 70 Addition, Asteroid Launcher, Bar Chart, Catalogue D/Base, Copycat, Graph Plotter, Maths Teacher, Pairs, Space Chaser, Space Match Snap, Spiderman, Stringing Along
A&B1-3 A&B Computing Sep/Oct 83 1D 18 88 Archive To Tape Utility, Archive To Disc Utility, Audax, Beebword (Scrabble), Cockpit, Epson MX80FT111 Printer Test, Fly Arcade Game, Fortune Teller, Noteguess, Shape, Snest, Spellings, Starship Adventure, Teletext Invaders
A&B1-4 A&B Computing Nov/Dec 83 1D 17 90 3D-2D Wire Cube, Battleships, Binary Logic, Binary Game, Christmas Greetings, Dogs' Dinner Quiz, Duo Logic, Formula 1 Game, Graphic Patterns, Invasion Times, Multi-choice Utility, Pet Spiders Game, Spacewar Game, Spiro
A&B1-5 A&B Computing Jan/Feb 84 1D 19 93 Addition Snap Cavatina Music Demo Colour Guess Death In Poglovia Adventure Doodlebug Dunefighters Flagged Puzzle Helicopter Squadron In The Beginning... Matrix Transformation Thermocouple Temperature Utility Wordgrid
A&B1-6 A&B Computing Mar/Apr 84 1D 13 62 All Change Educational Game (Joystick Only), Cellars Arcade Game, Disc Menu (Model B Only), Earth Battle Game, Graphics In Colour Utility, Puss In Boots Text Adventure, Siciliano Music Demo, Versatile Hangman Suite
A&B1-7 A&B Computing May/Jun 84 1D 27 72 Bomb Run Arcade Game. Gcol Demos. Lawn Tennis [Joystick Only]. Multitasking Demos. Pontoon. Programming In Education. Skoogs Arcade Game. Speedy Graphics. String Finding. Turtletalk
A&B1-8 A&B Computing Jul/Aug 84 1D 16 51 Advanced Graphics: Read ROM CHR$. Advanced Graphics: Character Reader. Advanced Graphics: Character Definer. Advanced Graphics: Knight Demo. BASUtil. Circle (BASIC). Circle (M/code). Europe Quiz. Notemaster. Paged Mode Switch. Snackman Arcade Game. Snakes & Ladders Maths Game
A&B1-9 A&B Computing Sep/Oct 84 1D 23 102 Ayo. Creaplot Art Package. Domgrid. Haunted House. Mode 2 Spinning Whee.l Moneywatch. Pools Predictor. Regression Analysis. Singalong! Sprite Examples. Tank Battle Arcade Game. Wiggler Arcade Game (Not Master)
A&B1-10 A&B Computing Nov 84 1D 13 72 A) Big Ben [Educational] B) Crunch! Compiler C) Gridlines [Educational] D) Old English Font E) Pixie [Mode 7 Screen Editor] F) Star Encounter Arcade Game G) Text Master Wordprocessor H) Video Tape Indexer. Unfortunately, Old English Font appears with an incomplete line of data and cannot currently be executed. There was probably a correction in a later issue of A&B which is currently lost to the archive.
A&B1-11 A&B Computing Dec 84 1D 31 122 Bouncer Arcade Game. Chart Recorder Program. Digital Display Program. Graph Plotter. Hardware Scrolling Routines. Money. Reversasquare. Verify Source Code
A&B1-12 A&B Computing Jan 85 1D 11 27 6845 Programming Utilities. Disc Menu [BBC B Only]. Laser Cycles Arcade Game. Life Simulation
A&B1-13 A&B Computing Feb 85 1D 20 81 1984 Puzzle. BBC User Port Demo. Decision Maker. Formula 1 Arcade Game. Mouse Art Package. Secret Agent Text Adventure. Simple M/C. Name That Tune. Soft Key Defintions (Tokenised)
A&B1-14 A&B Computing Mar85 1D 10 37 Brain Workings Programs. Key-to-Joystick Conversion. Key-to-Key Conversion. Scissors-Stone-Paper Game. Solar System Demo
A&B1-15 A&B Computing Apr 85 1D 17 17 Alphasort Educational Program. Basic Maker Source Code. Bingo Educational Program. Diamond Adventure Game. Educational Program Generato.r Mode 7 Dumping. CTRL codes. Mode 7 Pixel Plotting Programs. Mode 7 Scrolling Demo. Punctuation Educational Program. Spelling Educational Program. Trudy’s Cottage Demo
A&B1-16 A&B Computing May 85 1D 14 39 Assembler Programs 1, 2 & 3. Break Protection Utility. Bouncer Game (Loader Only). Filer Utility. Mail List Utility. Old English Utility Modifications. W/P Integration Programs 1 & 2
A&B2-6 A&B Computing Jun 85 1D 18 65 BASIC/M/code Relocator Utility. Caps LK Warning Utility. Colour Mix Utility. Global View Utility. Kemote Utility. Mastermind Game. Roman Numerals To Numbers Utility. Numbers To Roman Numerals Utility. Pixie Utility Modifications. Qman Arcade Game. Tables Educational Game. Walk The Plank Game
A&B2-7 A&B Computing Jul 85 1D 14 97 Adventurescape BBC Version. Adventurescape Electron Version. Down To Earth [Global VIEW-style utility]. Jingle Creator. Xanadu Adventure
A&B2-8 A&B Computing Aug 85 1D 31 196 CAD Package (And Examples). Design A Diesel. Event M/C Example #1. Event M/C Example #2. Ikon (And Examples). Mosaic (And Examples). Touch Of Class (And Examples)
A&B2-9 A&B Computing Sep 85 1D 16 55 Ally Pally Arcade Game. Android Arcade Game. BBC Disc: Read, Write & Title. Checksum Source Code. Checksum Demo Program. Compressing Clever. Event Interrupt Examples
A&B2-10 A&B Computing Oct 85 1D 7 29 Edge Detection [AMX Art] Utility. Gardenquest Text Adventure. Programming The B+
A&B2-11 A&B Computing Nov 85 1D 18 57 Advanced Super Buffer., Adventurescape II Suite., Art of 3D Graphics. BASIC Companion., Double Dutch (2 programs). Epson CHR$ Printing Utility. Epson CHR$ "The Hobbit" Font. M/code Slowdown Routine. Markalyser (B+ Only)
A&B2-12 A&B Computing Dec 85 1D 18 74 B+ Printer Buffer (BBC B+ ONLY). Falcon Pilot. Flood Fill Utility (4 Programs). Horror Scope Utility. Procedure Library. ROM S/ware Template. Scruge Arcade Game. Scruge Source Code.
A&B3-1 A&B Computing Jan 86 1D 27 88 Animated Snake. Ghosts Arcade Game. Ghosts Memory Arrangement Demo. Magic Squares. NLQ Printing Demo #1. NLQ Printing Demo #2. Pascal BASIC RND Extension. Perpetual Diary Utility. Speech Project Programs. Split Mode Demo. Textmaster [Elk Version]
A&B3-2 A&B Computing Feb 86 1D 14 42 1066 Wargame. Music Laboratory. Music BASIC To M/Code Convertor. Music Demo "Rule Britannia". Music Demo "Bach’s Trio". Spacehawk Arcade Game
A&B3-3 A&B Computing Mar 86 1D 22 161 Anthrosin Adventure. Assembly Example. BASIC Extensions. Darts Arcade Game. IKON Cascade Slideshow #1. IKON Cascade Slideshow #2. PaintPot Colour Changer. Texture Demo
A&B3-4 A&B Computing Apr 86 1D 26 158 40/80 Track Compatible [Same Disc] Formatter. Ikon Paintbox Drawing Package. Island Strategy Game. Jungle Quest Adventure. Mabwars Game. Recursive Word Search Utility. Moving Sprite Assembly Example (Master). Spinning Wheel Assembly Example. Sideways RAM Autoloader (Master). Sideways RAM Tester (Master). Timebomb Arcade Game. Treasure Hunt Strategy Game

A&B3-5 A&B Computing May 86 1D 19 73 A&B SRAM Utilities #1. Adventurescape III Suite. Assembly: Confusing Screen CHR$. Ikon Paintbox. Instant Recall. Tracey (Requires analogue joystick). User Port Listings. Wordmix. Zim
A&B3-6 A&B Computing Jun 86 1D 16 48 A&B SRAM Utilities #2. Adventurescape SQUASH Utility. Elite Ship Cracker In & Out Of Port. Global View Alternative Maps. Global View Continental Drift. Print Tape Inlays Utility. Retouch Of Class
A&B3-7 A&B Computing Jul 86 1D 19 52 A&B SRAM Utilities Project #3. Adventurescape Utility DISCMEM. Adventurescape Utility PUZCOM.P Assembly Exampl.e BBC Control Panel. Big Print Demo. Big Print Source Code. Midget (Adventurescape to Midge Converter). Solidisk Second Catalogue Fixer.
A&B3-8 A&B Computing Aug 86 1D 20 63 Assembly: Big Sprite Assembly: Patrol Business Games Suite. Tangram (Versions for standard BBC, enhanced B+ and Master 128). Visuo-Spatial Program. War Game (BBC B+ and Master)
A&B3-9 A&B Computing Sep 86 1D 15 59 Assembly Example. Card Trick. Check Byte Source Code. Grand Prix. Islamic Art, four parts. Olsen Arcade Game. Program protection utilities
A&B3-10 A&B Computing Oct 86 1D 17 67 ADFS Discmenu !BOOT. ADFS Discmenu BASPart. ADFS Discmenu HEXLoad. Assembly Example. Dithered Colours. Easyfont. Mode 1 Text Craft. Mode 2 Text Craft. Room Planner. Squeezing Numbers Utilities [Note that the ADFS Discmenu must be copied over to a spare ADFS format disc]
A&B3-11 A&B Computing Nov 86 1D 20 72 Commscreen (Mode 7 Editor) [DFS systems only]. Gimpo M/Code Arcade Game. Gimpo Screen Designer. Sketcha Art Package
A&B3-12 A&B Computing Dec 86 1D 15 39 Commando Cheat. Jet Set Willy Cheat. Jumpers. M128: ECF Colours Demo (B+, Master only. M128: Map Draw Demo (B+, Master only.) M128: Rolling Graph Demo (B+, Master only.) M128: Rotating Figures Demo (B+, Master only). M128: Scrolling Window (B+, Master only). M128: Sliding Block Puzzle (B+, Master only). Random Resequencing. Vindaloo Cheat
A&B4-1 A&B Computing Jan 87 1D 6 30 Bionic Bert. Glad Tidings
A&B4-2 A&B Computing Feb 87 1D 13 57 Curves 1 : Hidden Line Removal (BASIC Program 1). Curves 2 : Hidden Line Removal (BASIC Program 2). Curves 2 : Hidden Line Removal (Machine Code). RAM Autoloader (Master 128 only). RAM Multibank Identifier (Master 128 only.) Rondaxians (See special notes). Stats On The BBC. Special notes on Rondaxians: The version supplied on this disc requires PAGE to be at &E00. It will work as is on a Master 128 but the files will need to be copied over to tape to work on any other BBC machine. It will not work at all on an Electron.
A&B4-3 A&B Computing Mar 87 1D 26 96 Analogue Filter. Maths & Simulation (3 programs). Panoramic Window (M128 only.) Quickstep Movie-Maker. Quickstep Samples (3 programs). Raid Over Moscow Cheat. Repton 3 Editor Cheat. Sideways RAM Project. Tape to Disc Utility. WAR Cheat
A&B4-4 A&B Computing Apr 87 1D 11 27 Basic Partial Renumber Utility Elk Procyon Conversion Enchanced *COPY command Raid Over Moscow Cheat WAR Cheat
A&B4-6 A&B Computing Jun 87 1D 13 80 3D Construction Kit Suite. Easy Poke. Skywatch Astronomy Suite: Easter, Planets, Sun, Moon
A&B4-7 A&B Computing Jul 87 1D 9 29 3D Construction Kit #2. General Election Data Entry. General Election Analysis. Ravenskull Cheat [BBC only.] Skywatch #2. Syncron Cheat [BBC only]
A&B4-8-9-10 A&B Computing Aug, Sep Oct 87 1D 13 26 THIS DISC CONTAINS PROGRAMS FROM NOs 8, 9 and 10. 3D Construction Kit #3. Firetrack Cheat [BBC]. Green Beret Cheat [BBC]. Imogen Challenger Fix. Paperboy Cheat [BBC]. Phantom Cheat [BBC]. Plan B Cheat. Plus Talk. Visual Experiments
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