8-Bit Software

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From Issue 50            BBC Master native formats      --------------------------------            DFS                 original BBC SD SS/DS/40/80 100-400k      ADFS                Master       DD "  "  "  "  160-640k      CFS                 cassette filing 300, 1200 baud            Master 512 formats      ------------------      (80186 co-pro 512k RAM)            DOS bootable                                      640k      Acorn DOS                                         800k       Tandy DOS                                         720k      IBM DOS                                           360k      Olivetti DOS                                      720k      IBM DOS                                           720k      Acorn CP/M                                        400k      IBM CP/M                                          320k      Altos CP/M                                        720k            Z-80 formats      ------------      (Acorn Z-80 co-pro)      Acorn                                             640/800k            Additional formats      ------------------      from DOScopy, TorchCopy, CPMCopy, CPM Beeb      ------------------------------------------      DOS :            Acorn                                             640k      Acorn                                             800k      Apricot                                           615k      Apricot                                           720k      Atari                                             360k      Atari                                             720k      Duet                                              720k      IBM                                               160/320/180/360k      IBM PS/2                                          720k      Macdougall           NEC       Nimbus                                            720k      Olivetti                                          720k      Rainbow                                           400k            CPM :            Acorn Z80      Alphatronic PC      Amstrad SS/DS80/DS40      British Micro Systems      CDOS      Cifer 2683 40/80      Comart                                            320/720k      Epson PX8      Epson QX10      IBM CP/M 86      ICL DRS 300      ICL Quattro      Kaypro SS/DS      Merlin M4000      Molecular ser 9      NCR Decisionmate      Newbrain      Olympia      Osborne SSSD/SSDD      Philips P3800      Rainbow CP/M 86      Rair Black Box      RML 380Z SD      RML 480Z DD      Screen typist      Sharp MZ 80 B (CP/M only)      SM1      Superbrain QD      Tatung PC-2000      Televideo      Transtec Krypton      Zenith Z 100      Zorba                  To access the above 5.25" 40/80 double sided drives are needed      Some formats such as IBM PS/2, Atari, Apricot use 3.5" 720k       drives. Other formats such as Amstrad use single or double sided       3" drives. Additional formats can be accessed by adapting the       definition files.            Formats NOT accessible due to hardware incompatibilities include       :   Apple, Amiga, Sirius, high density (e.g. 1.2mb, 1.44mb)             The Master has a 1772 controller which can work in FM or MFM      modes.      My machine has a hard disc with an ADFS and a DOS+ partition.      To date I have not been able to find out how to run CP/M      from the hard disc !
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