!Graham Toal - latest development version of SKIMPB 12/02/80 16.25 const integer true = 0, false = 1 external integer fn spec find(integer flag, integer name ty, la) external integer array spec a(1 : 500) external integer array spec taglink(0 : 255) external integer array spec tag(1 : 512) external integer array spec link(1 : 512) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- external routine spec expr(integer exprp) external integer fn spec cond(integer condp, tlabel, flabel) external string (7) fn spec s(integer n) external string (255) fn spec strint(integer n, p) external integer fn spec getwork external routine spec returnwork(integer work) external routine spec clearwork external integer fn spec newtag external routine spec pushtag(integer ident, form, type, dim, level, rad) external routine spec poptags external integer fn spec getlabel(integer constp) external routine spec filllabel(integer label) external integer fn spec fillbranch(integer label) external routine spec poplabels external integer fn spec nextplabel external routine spec dump(string (7) lab, op, reg, addr) external routine spec fault(string (63) mess) external string (255) fn spec name(integer ident) external routine spec pushstart(integer flag, plab) external routine spec popstart(integer name flag, plab) external routine spec findcontinue(integer name type, flag) external routine spec findexit(integer name type, flag) external routine spec popcycle(integer name type, lab) external routine spec clearstart external integer fn spec enter external routine spec dumpreturn external routine spec proc(integer procp) external routine spec array(integer arrayp) external routine spec endofprog !----------------------------------------------------------------------- external integer array nextrad(0 : 15) external string (5) array display(0 : 15) = "Bug", "-2,X", "-4,X", c "-6,X", "-8,X", "-10,X", "-12,X", "-14,X", "-16,X", "-18,X", "-20,X", c "-22,X", "-24,X", "-26,X", "-28,X", "-30,X" external integer level, nextcad = 1, pstr = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- own integer array proctype(0 : 15) own integer array staticalloc(0 : 15) own string (3) array regs(1 : 2) = "A", "A,B" external integer array rt(0 : 15) external integer array parms(0 : 15) external integer spec traceopt, checkopt external integer aopt = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- external routine statement(integer statementp) own integer access = 1 routine spec doloop(integer loopsp) routine spec instr(integer instrp) string (4) base, b1, b2 switch sttype(1:13) integer condp, instrp, elsep, constp, arrayp, namep, namesp, expr1p, c expr2p, instr2p, tlabel, flabel, label, fplabel, tplabel, work1, work2, c flag, plabel, procp, formalp, formp, params, procid, ident, form, paramt, c paraml, dim, basep, type, cyclab, cntlab, extlab -> sttype(a(statementp)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(1): ! <instr><CYCLAUSE> if access = 0 then fault("ACCESS?") and access = 1 dump("", "SWI", "3", "") if traceopt = 1 unless a(a(a(statementp + 2) + 1)) = 2 then doloop(a(statementp + 2)) instr(a(statementp + 1)) if a(a(a(statementp + 2) + 1)) = 2 then return if access = 0 then fault("DUBIOUS STATEMENT") and access = 1 condp = a(a(a(statementp + 2) + 1) + 1) a(1) = 1 a(2) = 3 if a(a(statementp + 2)) <= 2 then a(3) = 2 else a(3) = 1 statementp = 1 -> untilst !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(2): ! "IF"<cond>"THEN"<instr><else> condp = a(statementp + 1) instrp = a(statementp + 2) elsep = a(statementp + 3) if access = 0 then fault("ACCESS?") and access = 1 dump("", "SWI", "3", "") if traceopt = 1 if 7 <= a(instrp) <= 8 or a(instrp) = 2 then start ! branch if a(instrp) = 7 then findcontinue(type, tlabel) c else if a(instrp) = 8 then findexit(type, tlabel) else start constp = a(instrp + 1) tlabel = getlabel(constp) finish if a(elsep) = 2 then filllabel(cond(condp, tlabel, -1)) else start instrp = a(elsep + 1) if 7 <= a(instrp) <= 8 or a(instrp) = 2 then start ! branch if a(instrp) = 7 then findcontinue(type, flabel) c else if a(instrp) = 8 then findexit(type, flabel) else start constp = a(instrp + 1) flabel = getlabel(constp) finish access = 0 filllabel(cond(condp, tlabel, flabel)) dump("", "LBRA", "", "L" . s(flabel)) return finish else start filllabel(cond(condp, tlabel, -1)) if a(instrp) = 3 then pushstart(1, -1) else instr(instrp) finish finish finish else start if a(elsep) = 2 then start fplabel = cond(condp, -1, -1) if a(instrp) = 3 then pushstart(0, fplabel) else instr(instrp) and filllabel(fplabel) finish else start instr2p = a(elsep + 1) if 7 <= a(instr2p) <= 8 or a(instr2p) = 2 then start ! branch if a(instr2p) = 7 then findcontinue(type, flabel) c else if a(instr2p) = 8 then findexit(type, flabel) else start constp = a(instr2p + 1) flabel = getlabel(constp) finish fplabel = cond(condp, -1, flabel) ! result always -1 instr(instrp) finish else start fplabel = cond(condp, -1, -1) instr(instrp) tplabel = nextplabel dump("", "LBRA", "", "L" . s(tplabel)) filllabel(fplabel) if a(instr2p) = 3 then pushstart(1, tplabel) c else instr(instr2p) and filllabel(tplabel) finish finish finish access = 1 return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(3): ! <const>':'<statement> access = 1 constp = a(statementp + 1) statementp = a(statementp + 2) label = getlabel(constp) filllabel(label) statement(statementp) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(4): ! "FINISH"<else> access = 1 elsep = a(statementp + 1) popstart(flag, plabel) if flag = 0 then start ! first %start/%finish if a(elsep) = 1 then start instrp = a(elsep + 1) tplabel = nextplabel dump("", "LBRA", "", "L" . s(tplabel)) filllabel(plabel) if a(instrp) = 3 then pushstart(1, tplabel) c else instr(instrp) and filllabel(tplabel) finish else filllabel(plabel) finish else start ! second %start/%finish if a(elsep) = 1 then fault("SPURIOUS %ELSE") else filllabel(plabel) finish return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(5): ! "INTEGER"<array> arrayp = a(statementp + 1) namep = a(arrayp + 1) namesp = a(arrayp + 2) if a(arrayp) = 1 then start ! array declaration dump("", "SWI", "3", "") if traceopt = 1 if access = 0 then fault("ACCESS?") and access = 1 if find(2, cyclab, type) = true then fault("ORDER?") if level = 1 then base = ",X" else base = ",Y" cycle expr1p = a(arrayp + 3) expr2p = a(arrayp + 4) expr(expr1p) dump("", "SEX", "", "") dump("", "PSH", "U", "A,B") work1 = getwork !***dump("STR","ACC",display(level),work1) expr(expr2p) dump("", "SEX", "", "") dump("", "ADD", "D", "#1") dump("", "PSH", "U", "A,B") dump("", "TFR", "", "S,D") !***dump("LDA","ACC","ACC",1) work2 = getwork !***dump("STR","ACC",display(level),work2) cycle staticalloc(level) = staticalloc(level) + 2 nextrad(level) = nextrad(level) + 2 pushtag(a(namep + 1), 2, 1, 2, level, nextrad(level)) dump("", "SUB", "D", "0,U") dump("", "ST", "D", "-" . s(nextrad(level)) . base) dump("", "ADD", "D", "2,U") ! DUMP("","SUB","D","#1") !***dump("SUB","STP",display(level),work1) !***dump("STR","STP",display(level),nextrad(level)) !***dump("ADD","STP",display(level),work2) if a(namesp) = 2 then exit namep = a(namesp + 1) namesp = a(namesp + 2) repeat dump("", "TFR", "", "D,S") dump("", "LEA", "U", "4,U") returnwork(work1) returnwork(work2) if a(a(arrayp + 5)) = 1 then start arrayp = a(arrayp + 5) namep = a(arrayp + 1) namesp = a(arrayp + 2) continue finish else return repeat finish else start cycle staticalloc(level) = staticalloc(level) + 1 nextrad(level) = nextrad(level) + 1 pushtag(a(namep + 1), 0, 1, 1, level, nextrad(level)) if a(namesp) = 2 then exit namep = a(namesp + 1) namesp = a(namesp + 2) repeat finish return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(6): ! <proc><name><formal> if level = 0 then fault("PROCEDURE BEFORE %BEGIN") if level = 15 then fault("PROCEDURE NESTING TOO DEEP") access = 1 procp = a(statementp + 1) namep = a(statementp + 2) formalp = a(statementp + 3) procid = a(namep + 1) ! skipproc(level)=nextcad pushtag(procid, 4, a(procp) - 1, 0, level, nextcad) level = level + 1 rt(level) = tag(taglink(procid)) & 16_FFFF dump("", "LBRA", "", "S" . s(rt(level))) dump("E" . s(rt(level)), "EQU", "", "*") proctype(level) = a(procp) staticalloc(level) = enter ! nextrad(level)=2 parms(level) = 0 if a(formalp) = 2 then -> retn ! no parameters params = 0 paraml = taglink(procid) cycle formp = a(formalp + 1) namep = a(formalp + 2) namesp = a(formalp + 3) formalp = a(formalp + 4) if a(formp) = 1 then form = 3 and dim = 2 else start if a(formp) = 2 then form = 1 and dim = 2 c else form = 0 and dim = 1 finish cycle ident = a(namep + 1) ! declare parameters as locals nextrad(level) = nextrad(level) + dim staticalloc(level) = staticalloc(level) + dim pushtag(ident, form, 1, dim, level, nextrad(level)) ! DUMP("","PUL","U",REGS(DIM)) ! DUMP("","PSH","S",REGS(DIM)) ! append parameter tag cells to procedure tag cell paramt = newtag tag(paramt) = tag(taglink(ident)) link(paramt) = link(paraml) link(paraml) = paramt paraml = paramt parms(level) = parms(level) + dim params = params + 1 if params > 15 then fault(name(procid) . " HAS TOO MANY PARAMETERS") and stop if a(namesp) = 2 then exit namep = a(namesp + 1) namesp = a(namesp + 2) repeat repeat until a(formalp) = 2 ! insert number of parameters into tag cell tag(taglink(procid)) = tag(taglink(procid)) ! params << 20 retn: dump("", "LEA", "S", "-A" . s(rt(level)) . ",S") return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(7): ! "END"<ofprog> if level > 1 start ! DUMP("P".S(RT(LEVEL)),"EQU","",S(PARMS(LEVEL))) if proctype(level) # 1 and checkopt = 1 then dump("", "SWI", "", "") ! %RESULT NOT ENCOUNTERED ! DUMP("R".S(RT(LEVEL)),"EQU","","*") finish poptags poplabels clearstart clearwork dump("A" . s(rt(level)), "EQU", "", s(staticalloc(level))) if proctype(level) >= 1 and access = 1 then dumpreturn access = 1 level = level - 1 if a(a(statementp + 1)) = 2 then start ! %end if level <= 0 then fault("SPURIOUS %END") and endofprog dump("S" . s(rt(level + 1)), "EQU", "", "*") finish else start ! %endofprogram if level # 0 then fault("TOO FEW %ENDS") endofprog finish return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sttype(8): ! "BEGIN" if level # 0 then fault("SPURIOUS %BEGIN") else start rt(1) = 0 level = 1 proctype(1) = 0 staticalloc(1) = enter nextrad(1) = staticalloc(1) finish return sttype(9): ! <LOOPS>%CYCLE if access = 0 then fault("WARNING - ACCESS???") and access = 1 dump("", "SWI", "3", "") if traceopt = 1 doloop(a(statementp + 1)) return sttype(10): ! %REPEAT<UNTIL> condp = a(a(statementp + 1) + 1) dump("", "SWI", "3", "") if traceopt = 1 untilst: access = 1 popcycle(type, cyclab) cntlab = cyclab + 1 extlab = cntlab + 1 if a(a(statementp + 1)) # 2 then start dump("L" . s(cntlab), "EQU", "", "*") tplabel = cond(condp, -1, cyclab) if type = 2 then dump("L" . s(extlab), "LEA", "U", "4,U") c else dump("L" . s(extlab), "EQU", "", "*") finish else start dump("L" . s(cntlab), "LBRA", "", "L" . s(cyclab)) if type = 2 then dump("L" . s(extlab), "LEA", "U", "4,U") c else dump("L" . s(extlab), "EQU", "", "*") finish return sttype(13): ! "PRINTTEXT" <STRING> pstr = 1 fault("ACCESS?") and access = 1 if access = 0 dump("", "SWI", "3", "") if traceopt = 1 dump("", "LBSR", "", "PSTR") printstring(" FCB ") work1 = 4 cycle work2 = a(work1) if work2 # 16_80 then write(work2, 0) else printstring("$80") and exit printsymbol(',') work1 = work1 + 1 repeat newline return sttype(11): ! "CONSTANT" <NAME) '=' <VALUE> dump(name(a(a(statementp + 1) + 1)), "EQU", "", s(a(a(statementp + 2) + 1))) return sttype(12): ! "LABEL" <NAME> dump(name(a(a(statementp + 1) + 1)), "EQU", "", "*") return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- routine instr(integer instrp) switch instype(1:14) string (4) base integer namep, assignp, constp, ident, actualp, exprp, nametag, c disp, work, rinstrp, type, lab -> instype(a(instrp)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- instype(1): ! <name><actual><assign> namep = a(instrp + 1) actualp = a(instrp + 2) assignp = a(instrp + 3) rinstrp = a(instrp + 4) ident = a(namep + 1) !? %if taglink(ident)=0 %then fault(name(ident)." NOT DECLARED") !? %and %return if taglink(ident) = 0 start if a(assignp) # 1 then dump("", "FDB", "", name(ident)) c else expr(a(assignp + 1)) and dump("", "ST", "B", name(ident)) finish else start nametag = tag(taglink(ident)) ! %ROUTINE GET NAME ADDRESS ???? if a(assignp) = 1 then start if nametag >> 28 = 4 then fault(name(ident) . " NOT A DESTINATION") and return exprp = a(assignp + 1) if nametag >> 28 >= 2 then start ! array variable expr(exprp) work = getwork dump("", "PSH", "U", "B") array(instrp) dump("", "PUL", "U", "B") dump("", "ST", "B", "[0,X]") returnwork(work) finish else start expr(exprp) basep = nametag >> 16 & 16_F disp = nametag & 16_FFFF base = display(basep) base = ",Y" if basep = level base = ",X" if basep = 1 if basep = level or basep = 1 start if nametag >> 28 = 1 then b1 = "[" and b2 = "]" else b1 = "" and b2 = "" dump("", "ST", "B", b1 . "-" . s(disp) . base . b2) finish else start dump("", "PSH", "U", "A,B") dump("", "LD", "D", base) dump("", "SUB", "D", "#" . s(disp)) dump("", "ST", "D", "0,X") if nametag >> 28 = 1 then start dump("", "LD", "D", "[0,X]") dump("", "ST", "D", "0,X") finish dump("", "PUL", "U", "A,B") dump("", "ST", "B", "[0,X]") finish if a(actualp) = 1 then fault(name(ident) . " DECLARED AS SCALAR") finish ! %END OF ROUTINE GET NAME ADDRESS??? finish else start if nametag >> 28 = 4 and nametag >> 24 & 16_F = 0 c then proc(instrp) else fault(name(ident) . " NOT A ROUTINE NAME") finish finish if a(rinstrp) = 1 then instrp = a(rinstrp + 1) and -> instype(a(instrp)) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- instype(2): ! '->'<const> access = 0 constp = a(instrp + 1) label = getlabel(constp) dump("", "LBRA", "", "L" . s(label)) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- instype(3): ! "START" fault("ILLEGAL %START") return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- instype(4): ! "RETURN" if proctype(level) # 1 then fault("%RETURN OUT OF CONTEXT") access = 0 dumpreturn ! DUMP("","LBRA","","R".S(RT(LEVEL))) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- instype(5): ! "RESULT"'='<expr> if proctype(level) # 2 then fault("%RESULT OUT OF CONTEXT") access = 0 expr(a(instrp + 1)) dumpreturn ! DUMP("","LBRA","","R".S(RT(LEVEL))) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- instype(6): ! "STOP" access = 0 dump("", "SWI", "2", "") ! CALL MONITOR AND HALT? return instype(7): access = 0 findcontinue(type, lab) dump("", "LBRA", "", "L" . s(lab)) return instype(8): access = 0 findexit(type, lab) dump("", "LBRA", "", "L" . s(lab)) return instype(9): ! <OPCODE> # <CONST> dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", "#" . s(a(a(instrp + 2) + 1))) return instype(10): ! <OPCODE> <CONST> dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", s(a(a(instrp + 2) + 1))) return instype(11): ! <OPCODE> # <NAME> namep = a(instrp + 2) ident = a(namep + 1) dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", "#" . name(ident)) return instype(12): ! <OPCODE> <NAME> namep = a(instrp + 2) ident = a(namep + 1) nametag = tag(taglink(ident)) if taglink(ident) # 0 if taglink(ident) = 0 or nametag >> 28 = 4 start dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", name(ident)) finish else start basep = nametag >> 16 & 15 disp = nametag & 16_FFFF base = display(basep) base = ",Y" if basep = level base = ",X" if basep = 1 b1 = "" b2 = "" b1 = "[" and b2 = "]" if nametag >> 28 = 1 dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", b1 . "-" . s(disp) . base . b2) finish return instype(13): ! <OPCODE> <STRING> begin string (255) addr integer i, sym addr = "" i = 10 cycle sym = a(i) i = i + 1 exit if sym = 128 addr = addr . tostring(sym) repeat dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", addr) end return instype(14): ! <OPCODE> dump("", name(a(a(instrp + 1) + 1)), "", "") return end routine doloop(integer loopsp) integer type, cyclab, cntlab, extlab, namep, actualp, forp, c initp, incrp, finalp, tplabel, condp, whilep, disp, nametag string (7) base, reg switch cycle(1:3) if a(loopsp) = 1 then type = 2 else type = 3 cyclab = nextplabel cntlab = nextplabel extlab = nextplabel pushstart(type, cyclab) -> cycle(a(loopsp)) cycle(1): !FOR forp = a(loopsp + 1) namep = a(forp + 1) actualp = a(forp + 2) initp = a(forp + 3) incrp = a(forp + 4) finalp = a(forp + 5) ident = a(namep + 1) reg = "D" !? %if taglink(ident)=0 %then fault(name(ident)." NOT DECLARED") %andreturn if taglink(ident) = 0 then start dump("", "LD", "D", "#" . name(ident)) finish else start nametag = tag(taglink(ident)) if nametag >> 28 = 4 then start fault("NOT A DESTINATION") return finish if nametag >> 28 = 2 start aopt = 1 array(forp) finish else start basep = nametag >> 16 & 16_F base = display(basep) disp = nametag & 16_FFFF base = "Y" if basep = level base = "X" if basep = 1 if nametag >> 28 = 1 then start if 1 < basep < level then start dump("", "LD", "D", base) dump("", "SUB", "D", "#" . s(disp)) dump("", "ST", "D", "0,X") dump("", "LD", "D", "[0,X]") finish else start dump("", "LD", "D", "-" . s(disp) . "," . base) finish finish else start if 1 < basep < level then start dump("", "LD", "D", base) dump("", "SUB", "D", "#" . s(disp)) finish else start if basep = 1 = level then start dump("", "LEA", "Y", "-" . s(disp) . ",X") reg = "Y" finish else start dump("", "TFR", "", base . ",D") dump("", "SUB", "D", "#" . s(disp)) finish finish if a(actualp) = 1 then fault(name(ident) . " DECLARED AS SCALAR") finish finish finish dump("", "PSH", "U", reg) expr(finalp) dump("", "PSH", "U", "B") expr(incrp) dump("", "PSH", "U", "B") expr(initp) dump("", "SUB", "B", ",U") dump("", "ST", "B", "[2,U]") dump("L" . s(cyclab), "EQU", "", "*") dump("", "LD", "B", "[2,U]") dump("", "CMP", "B", "1,U") dump("", "LBEQ", "", "L" . s(extlab)) dump("", "ADD", "B", ",U") dump("", "ST", "B", "[2,U]") return cycle(*): dump("L" . s(cyclab), "EQU", "", "*") return if a(loopsp) # 2 whilep = a(loopsp + 1) condp = a(whilep + 1) tplabel = cond(condp, -1, extlab) end end end of file