-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAVENSKULL Solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember, an object must be in your hand to use it! Level One West, get key, east round castle and use key in front of gate. West, drop key and enter (gate will close). North, get treasure, east, get treasure, south into coloured passages, read scroll and drop it (it opens south-west gate to castle to save long, circuit from start). Return, north along acid passage (avoid bee!) to north-west, get key, east, get treasure, back to entrance. South, get pickaxe, return, east to octagonal room, use key on north door and drop it, north. Beware! Top cells will block later route so take first cell east, get scroll and use to teleport to south-east tower. Drop scroll, north, get pick-axe, enter north-east cell and enter cell opposite. Dig north through wall with two pick-axes, get key, go to entrance, reopen gate with first key, drop it, enter, east, open south door with key, drop key. Beware! South, west at first junction, west, get treasure, return, south, west, get treasure, return, collect treasures from bright tunnels. Follow bee, get treasure, return, west into large room, get treasure and scroll, retrace steps to octagonal room. Use scroll on east gate, enter, drop scroll, get treasure, east to T-junction, north, get treasure and pick-axe, south. Your exit north now blocked, bees and acid approaching. West, get treasure, return, south to coffin crypt, get treasure, north, second turn east, get lightning scroll, don't use, drop it. Use pick-axe at end of passage, enter, get key and treasure, west, south, get treasure, return, north to octagonal room, north to room below cells, get treasure, unlock gate, enter. Pick up part one of the silver crucifix! Level Two Firstly, assume you pick up all treasure unless told not to. From start crossroads go left, down and into pink maze. Right to end, down, second right, second up, right, up, left, second down, get scrolls - use left one (strength). Up, right, down, right, down to bottom, left, up, push boulder, left, second up, right, up, second left to get key, use other scroll (teleport). Beware pressure pads in this area. Teleported to bottom left of level, collect treasure, go through plants and get scythe, return to T-junction and go left to crossroads. Up to T-junction, left to green striped maze, pick up potion but don't use (slow) down, collect all treasure and return, up to room full of bees. Right, eat fish food, drop bone, left at entrance to garden, use scythe to cut path to spade (use alcove to turn towards plant), drop scythe, get spade, south, round garden, get optional (high speed) scroll, return to bee room. Drink slow potion, enter bee room (when first three bees are close together), get treasure and spell which will cancel slow motion, use after exit from room, return to maze entrance and leave. Right at T-junction (earth above leads to final room on this level), right, stop at gate with treasure to right. Beware pressure pads, do not collect treasure at right. Down, up, down, left at T-junction, left all way round, collect gem from under pink wooden block. Don't enter room with two downward and one upward blocks. Back to T-junction, down, door slams behind you, get treasure, use scroll (strength) and push way out down, right, down, use key from pink maze on door, drop key, return, right, first left, return, up other passage, first left, don't step any further than next two pieces of treasure. Return, treasure in alcove, round to right, push block up and escape, right, push block up, enter block maze. This is very complex - you need to push blocks to make or block and exit (well, we can't do it all for you!). Leave by same exit, along passage, final left, stop at block, push it, use key to open dor, use spade to dig along passage, enter, door slams, collect crucifix part. Level Three Right, left, first up, down, left, up, right at T-junction, up at next, return, right and get dynamite (avoid acid blocks). Return to start and drop dynamite. Go to main T-junction (right of start), left, note three locked doors to left, up, first left, back, up to top of castle. Wait for third bee to pass and turn, follow closely, duck into first down exit (don't collect treasure yet), then up, right to corner and down to bottom of level, get (time chime) scroll. Return all way back (avoid bees!) and stop just below pillar on left side of level. Down, second right, stop at kink and watch bee. Along to right is time door, bee flies against this. Use scroll, it ticks eight times then 'dings', meaning door is open for a fraction of a second. It will be just off screen so judge your dash for it carefully. Note bee can also fly through it. Drop scroll. Through door, past two pillars, left for key (opens top one of those three doors), return to T-junction and continue, stop when you see bee, follow it closely and take first exit. Return taking care as bee's path is shorter (door has shut), collect bow and arrow with which you can now kill any bee. Continue round and then go down and round. Left by pillars, continue round, collect compass and go round till you get to time door. Shoot bee and continue till reach vertical passage to left of level, down to doors, open top door with key, notice axe, drop key. Up again, first right, into room with wineglass, drink it and drop glass (200 health units). You are now drunk so use compass till sense of direction restored, drop compass, down, return to vertical passage, up, second right. At T-junction go up, return, down, take lower route, return, take top route, stop at kink, shoot bee, down at next junction, do not enter room, down, return to previous junction and go up. First left, return, up (beware spiked gates), enter small acid block room, left into room with alcoves, collect four treasures on right, get key, pick top treasure, return to vertical passage, down to locked doors, collect treasure near acid blocks. Open middle door, get axe, drop key, right round again (as for time chime scroll sequence) and drop down into entrance on top passage, return and continue. Use axe on first door, drop it, up to top and get third key, return to final door and get detonator. Back to start room and pick up dynamite, return to hole you made with axe, enter, down, left, down, up, right till you get to room with potion. Move this but don't take it, drop bow and arrow for a while, down, drop dynamite at bottom of passage, retreat a couple of blocks and use detonator. There should now be three exits. Drop detonator, right, return, left, return, down for part of crucifix. Level Four Go north, ignore key, left at crossroads and down - a pressure pad reverses the keys, crossing pad twice restores to normal, get fish for health points and drop bone. Up to crossroads, right to bottom to get treasure, return to exit to right. Watch for bees, get treasure to left and then move along passage, collect all treasure in area then return and go north, round to right for treasure and return to go left, get strength scroll, use it, drop it, then right collecting treasure, using strength to shift blocks, leave area. Back to passage with bees, down small spike path, return, right, up, get treasures, return, south to room blocked with block. Shift it to bottom exit, shift lowest block to right, run past plant to get teleport scroll, do not use this yet. Get treasure all round this area, return to crossroads to north of start room. South to start, get key, push block into alcove to right, up passage, left at crossroads to major crossroads with time shaft in centre - all four blocks must be pushed into its sides to free last crucifix piece. Clear treasure, drop key, push southern block back to start room, turn it round and push back to position in southern alcove of time shaft. Drop key near shaft to turn it round and push block in clockwise circle to left and up shaft. Left at crossroads, push block to end, up to top, left, collect one treasure ahead, return and down next shaft, first right turn, north, get axe, return, south, get treasure around block room, return, left, south, next right into wooden block room. Push centre block into alcove below, get treasure, return, left, south, down to block at bottom, push it, get spade and nearby treasure. Back up long vertical passage to where you found axe. Dig the earth and push second block into time shaft. Return, right to top, walk through spikes from south and use teleport scroll to get to opposite corner. Drop scroll, use axe to smash door, drop axe, leave, north, past a few blocks (you can't push them anymore), right, left, get treasure, return, continue along bottom passage. You get to three cells, eat cake in second cell for health and block pushing ability. North, get treasures, do not take bell, into most southerly cell, dig out, into small plant area, get scythe and treasure, left and push third block in shaft. Left, first north, left to area with a few plants, use scythe, drop it, get treasure, do not take energy drain scroll. Return to shaft room, get key, right, first north, get treasure in paint area, leave potion. North, right avoiding bees, collect treasure, return to plant room, south, left, shoot, get treasure, back to plant room, use speed potion and drop it. North, left, first exit up, push block out of way, open door with key, enter, drop key, get treasure, leave, south, shoot bee, use spade to dig earth, push final block into shaft. Crucifix part appears. Take spade plus bow and arrow, south, right to small block area with some earth, use spade to remove it, get lost treasure in Ravenskull. Go and get last piece of crucifix.