-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PALACE OF MAGIC Solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that co-ordinates are given as they appear on screen - 'y' and 'r' are yellow and red respectively and keys are coded thus: m(agenta), (w)hite, (c)yan, (b)lue, (g)reen and (r)ed. So the starting point (The Main Palace) is y0:y0. From start go up to Rooftop (y1:y2), collect m/w key, down to Passages (y0:r2) and open gate. Go left to r3:r1, collect rope, left again to r4:r1 and get c/b key. Right and up to Main Palace (y0:y1), drop rope, east to East Palace (y1:y1), open gate, right and up to East Tower (y3:y2). Climb over central pillar to collect bricks, back to top of tower, jump left to Rooftop (y2:y2), collect w/g key, continue left and down to Main Palace (y0:y0), drop bricks and collect rope. Left and down to Tower Base (r4:y0), open gate, right to West Palace (r3:y0), drop rope and get cross. Up to Rooftop (r3:y3) and collect statue. Down and right through East Exit (y3:r1) and East Wood to Balcony (y8:r1). Priest will take cross as you enter. Go right and up to Church (y8:y0), collect halo, left and down to y9:r1, get y/r key and leave statue. Back to Main Palace (r1:y0), drop halo, take g/w key and go down to West Palace (r2:y0). Open gate, go down, collect candle and return to Church (yA:r1). Down to Cellar (yA:r2), open gate, back up to Church (y9:y1) and get statue. Down through Cellar to Dungeons (yA:r3), drop through gap immediately on your left, fall to right a little and then take-passage to left. Drop to Dungeon below (yA:r4), then down and left to yA:r7 and up and right to y7:r6. Drop statue (dragon heads vanish), return to yA:r7, collect bowl and return to Main Palace (r1:y0) carefully. Drop candle, take halo, go left to West Palace (r3:y0), drop bowl, take rope and go left and up to Guardhouse (r4:y3). Up to West Tower (r4:y5), take r/y key, drop rope, back down and return to r1:y0. Take candle, right and down to East Exit, drop r/y key, take b/c key, return to Church and down to y8:r7. Open gate, go left and down to Caves (y6:r8) - halfway down rope, turn left into hidden passages and get frog. Return to Castle. Drop candle in West Palace (r3:y0), take bowl, go left and up West Tower to r4:y6, fill bowl with rainwater and jump to right to fall to the right of the tower to the Guardhouse. Right to r2:y3, down rope onto temple roof (r2:y2). Hop right to Rooftop (y0:y2), down and right to East Exit (y2:r1), drop frog and take r/y key. Right to Church (y8:r1), open gate, return for frog then go through Church, Forest and over Bridge to the Firepit (yH:r1). Put out the fire with the bowl of water and go right to Royal House (y1:r1) - princess disappears with frog so go right for w/m key. Back to East Palace (y2:y0), down to Basement (y2:r2), open gate, left to y1:r2, up to Passages (y1:y1), get gold, then go right, up and left to Main Palace (y0:y1). Get bricks, down and left through Passages to West Exit (r4:r1) and drop bricks to reveal hidden exit. Left into West Wood and exchange gold with Repton for magic sword. This has limited life (watch number top right count down to zero), so quickly go to East Palace (y1:y1) killing snakes with the sword, then left to y2:y1 and get magic boots. Right to Royal House (yJ:r1) and get treasure chest. Then left to West Wood (r6:r1) and give chest to guard. Then left to transporter, drop boots to activate the teleportation system and return to your normal size.