-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARBARIAN 2 Solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Not sure whether or not this is the complete solution * Level 1 Go left from the start until you reach a screen with a skull. Collect the skull and then travel right to the next screen and enter the cave you discover there. On emerging at the other exit, go left, which should bring you out by the shield. Go left again and you will come out of a cave, then keep on walking right until you find the orb: Go left once, then right and jump over the pit. Enter the cave by the pit and then go right to complete the level. In short, go L, L, L, R, U, L, L, R, R, L, R, U and then R. Level 2 First travel right for one screen and then up into the cave you find there. Then walk left and go into the cave behind the pit. Go left twice which should then bring you out by another pit, then left twice again and up into the cave. Jump over the pit and enter the cave by it where you should discover a jewel. Go right - back where you have just been - then left and enter the cave. Keep travelling to your right until you find a potion. Now journey left as far as possible and enter the cave. Take the skull you find there and then enter the next cave. Cross the stream and enter the cave nearby. Go right one screen and step into the cave by the pit. Go up and then left three times, which should bring you out of a cave, and then go right once. Go up and left to complete the level. In short, go R, U, L, U, L, L, L, L, U, U, R, L, U, R, R, R, L, L, L, U, U, U, R, U, L, L, L, R, U and then L. Level 3 Travel left four times and you should come out of a door. Now turn right which brings you out by a pit thing. Go right and get the key then retrace your footsteps back to the start - left, up, up, and then right as far as you can go. When you get back to the start, go through the door there and then travel right until you meet another pit thing. Go right and take the axe you find there. Go up through the locked door - you have the key - and then left twice. Go up again to emerge beside another pit thing. Now travel left twice and enter the locked door. Go up again and you should find yourself beside two streams. Now walk right twice and up to complete the level. In short, go L, L, L, L, R, R, L, U, U, R, R, R, U, R, R, U, L, L, L, U, R, U, L, L, U, L, L, U, U, R, R and U. Level 4 First screen : Charge and chop! Second screen : Try a flying neck chop or low chop. Third screen : Stay just out of reach and then chop low down.